Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Better Late Than Never

Its about 2.05am on the day that I am about to show my blog to everyone else. I was just wasting around on youtube when this idea suddenly hit me so thought I would squeeze it in. The idea itself is actually nothing to do with the youtube video i was watching so i have no idea how it entered my head but it did so here it is.

I thought, what the hell is there to do around Stonehouse? So I loaded up my map and looked at it trying to find places of recreation. I found the swimming pool, a football field, the docks with all of the boats and of course Union Street. To convey all of this I decided to use red lines. The more red lines a certain place had coming from it the more popular I thought the place is. I will however have to develop this idea further with another walk around to find more places of recreation and of course to see how popular these places actually are.

Below is the image i made for this particular idea:

Bed Time Now

The Maps of Stonehouse

I've finally got round to posting up the first idea i had and therefore the first maps i have done of Stonehouse. I decided to use both the pixel image and the original image and on them i mapped the land use. I first divided them up into 4 main land uses: Residential (which is Yellow), Open Green Areas and other Greenary (which are obviously the green areas), Industrial areas (I made these blue) and finally areas that i considered to be waste areas (these are the brown areas). I first designed this on the original map as it was clearer to see. I then copied and pasted the layer of all the shapes and put it onto the pixelated image to compare and as expected the pixels all fit into my shapes. For example all of the green pixels fell under the green shape which was exactly what i was hoping for.
Below are the two maps that i made:

As you can see the 3 types of land use are very clear. Its as if Stonehouse is clearly divided up into these different land use areas because the land uses do not overlap into others at all and are clearly separated. I am hoping to come up with yet another idea which I can post up a bit later.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Stonehouse Continued

Ive been meaning to post this for a while now but ive just been busy. The module is now becoming clearer and our group has pounced on one of Jon's Ideas (view his blog here). This idea consists of pixelating our original image of stonehouse and then sketching upon it. The pixels take the average colour of that area and helps to show landuse of that particular area.
Because our group is a bit behind compared to other groups we decided last week that we would each take the pixelated map and add our own ideas to it and then compare and discuss this week. I have decided to concentrate on land use and for this I am going to use the pixelated map as a guide and then make markings on the original map (see here). I will post the outcome of this up later today.

Below is the pixelated image that Jon provided.

Sunday, 11 October 2009


The first part of this module involves me and my group of about 4 people mapping information about stonehouse. My group and I plan to map population of both people and trees/plants and also other information that we have not yet decided. After we have done this we will eventually turn this information, they we have sketched onto a map of stonehoouse, into some sort of modal.
Below is the base map that we have all decided to sketch on. Please click the image to enlarge it and see the full sized image.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

First Post

Hello and welcome to my blog. I will be mostly using this to post about my course at Plymouth University which is Multimedia Production and Technology (or just MPT for short). Occasionally i will ramble about random goings on in my life but my blog will mostly consist of the work i do on my course.