Tuesday, 15 February 2011

IDAT204 - Doodletash

The Team
Jonathan Redwood – Main coder
Simon Batty – Styling
Tom Saunders – Interface and Presentation

Our Idea and Aim
For this project me, jon and simon took a look at the new features HTML5 had to offer. From the long list we looked into just a few and the possible projects that we could do. After fashioning some ideas we decided to go with the idea of making a drawing application. After settling on this we got talking about doodling on newspapers to deface celebrities and because newspaper sales are dropping year by year we thought that, perhaps, we could turn the act of defacing celebrities into an html5 application. Of course the most popular type of doodle is attaching mustaches onto the faces of various people so that is the aspect that we decided to focus on. So basically our aim was to create a fun doodle application that people can use to deface celebrities or their friends and share around and have fun with essentially. The target audience really could be anyone as many people doodle of all ages.

The Application
Now we could start the application. We decided to use the File API feature that is available in some browsers which allows users to click and drag images from their desktop or any other place on their computer directly onto a drawing area.

Once dragged onto the area the image is loaded onto the canvas. Now the user can draw on it as they wish. We give them several different pen sizes and a few 'typical mustache' colours to use. Once the user has reached the end of their doodle they can submit it to be saved onto the site and they can click on it and save it themselves onto their computer and share with friends.

What we discovered once the application was made and shared amongst our friends was that people seemed to use the 'past submissions' area to come up with ideas and thus the majority of the submissions are similar. Also the target audience prediction really is true. My friends who are all a similar age to me all had fun defacing facebook photos of us whilst my younger sibling enjoyed just drawing mustaches, which was the original intention. The aim of the project was fulfilled aswell as pretty much all the feedback we recieved was that it was fun to play around with for ages.

Finally here is the link to the final product!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Digital Artefact - The Development

I got thinking about music taste and that some people like one genre whilst others don't like it. This means that even though they hate a particular genre they could be missing out on a song they could like just because they have judged it before listening to it. After a short chat with Simon I have realised that visualising music is the avenue I want to go down rather than that of creating music. We discussed the idea that, what if there was a way to pick music without knowing the name and title and what if it was chosen by the visualisation, the user picked the image that they thought looked the best.