Tuesday 1 December 2009

The Social

What is the social? Wikipedia defines social as:

"A characteristic of living organisms (humans in particular, though biologists also apply the term to populations of other animals). It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary."

Which is probably the closest I could ever get to defining it myself. I do know however that the world revolves very much around the social. I mean even today we have the Social Media that involves networking websites such as facebook and twitter and other examples such as this very blog.
Wikpedia says that Social media can be said to have three components
1. Concept (art, information, or meme).
2. Media (physical, electronic, or verbal).
3. Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print).
and that common forms of social media include:
* Concepts, slogans, and statements with a high memory retention quotient, that excite others to repeat.
* Grass-Roots direct action information dissemination such as public speaking, installations, performance, and demonstrations.
* Electronic media with 'sharing', syndication, or search algorithm technologies (includes internet and mobile devices).
* Print media, designed to be re-distributed.

I must be honest and say I am not sure what to write about the Social as it is a very complex thing to talk about. It is seen as a very fuzzy concept where there are several definitions and directions people can go to talk about it. Hopefully this blog post will give others an insight into the social and social media.

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