Wednesday 16 December 2009


This is the outcome I submitted for the Tattooing project for IDAT107. I have also included the description i wrote to acompany it so enjoy!

Well this my submission to the Tattooing Project. First of all i chose to take a photo of my left hand because I do not really use it for anything at all so thought I would use it for once.
Anyway onto the main description. My palm and thumb hold the most important facts about me. I did this because the palm and thumb, to me, are the most important parts of the hand. This is also where i put the names of the people that are the most important people in my life. This is because the palm is what you use to grip onto stuff you want to hold close.
I used the index finger to list the things I want my future to have. I did this because the index finger is the finger most people use to point at something and indicate direction. The latter being the most important because it relates to my future and the direction I want it to go.
Thirdly I used my middle finger to list things i dislike. This is because the middle finger is the finger I, and probably many others, would use if I wanted to show someone/something distain. So it was logicial to display my dislikes on that finger.
For the ring finger I decided I would list the things I do like. Mainly because you cannot have a list of things you dislike and not have a list of things you do like alongside it. But also because it is where a wedding ring would go and the woman I marry should know by that time what things I like.
Finally I used the pinky finger to list characteristics I think i have and the type of person I believe I am. I mainly did this because I had not already listed them but also because the pinky is a finger I believe, due to its small size, many people do not take notice of until looked at closesly. I think that this relates to peoples personality traits. For example people would not know that I am easy to get along with until they meet me and get to know me better.
I used little colour with my image because I believe that all of the facts are just as big a part of me as eachother. I only changed the colour of my name so that it stands out as being the most important fact about me that people should know. I also changed the colour of the word green, for logical reasons, and Plymouth Argyle because they wear green so nothing special there! I did not really use angles to represent anything. I changed them to meet the brief and so they fit on my hand in an interesting way. Finally I changed the size of some font to represent that I believe them to be slightly more important for people to know than the rest of the facts. I also did this so that, once again, they fit on the image of my hand.

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