Sunday 25 April 2010

The Visual Element is Complete - Part 1

Its taken a while but we have finally completed the Processing Sketch that visualises the data we have collected. I won't post up every bit of code that features in our sketch but here are a few of the important bits:

import processing.xml.*;

XMLElement xml;
XMLElement xmlGrandChild;
float FdetectLow = 9999999;
float LdetectHigh = 0;
int timer;
int LastTime;
int playtime = 600;
float metricTime;

String[] active = new String[1];
String[] address = new String[1];
float[] Fdetect = new float[1];
float[] Ldetect = new float[1];
String[] name = new String[1];
int[] times = new int[1];

This bit essentially parses our XML file and puts it into variables to use later on.

//First Detected
xmlGrandChild = xmlChild.getChild(5);
float temp[] = float(splitTokens(xmlGrandChild.getContent(), " :"));
Fdetect[i] = round(((temp[3]/86400)+(temp[2]/1440)+(temp[1]/24))*pow(10,6));
if(Fdetect[i] < FdetectLow){
FdetectLow = Fdetect[i];

//Last Detected
xmlGrandChild = xmlChild.getChild(6);
float temp2[] = float(splitTokens(xmlGrandChild.getContent(), " :"));
Ldetect[i] = round(((temp2[3]/86400)+(temp2[2]/1440)+(temp2[1]/24))*pow(10,6));
if(Ldetect[i] > LdetectHigh){
LdetectHigh = Ldetect[i];

float duration = LdetectHigh - FdetectLow; //duration in metric time

All of this works out when a device was first detected and when it was last detected so we can then work out how long a device has been active.

//initial positions and speeds
for(int x = 0; x < count;x++){
posX[x] = random((width/2)-250,(width/2)+250);
posY[x] = random(20,200);
posZ[x] = random(-10000,-9800);
speedX[x] = random(-10,10);
speedY[x] = random(-10,10);
speedZ[x] = random(10);

This code works out where each ball starts off in our sketch and how fast it is going. This was done manually using random numbers rather than using the data we collected otherwise they would all be doing something similar!

Thats all for now I will explain more later.

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